Stockholm's Meatpacking District

Stockholm's Meatpacking District, Slakthusområdet, develops into an urban district where housing, workplaces, commerce and services coexist with new parks and squares. It will be a new destination in Stockholm where everyone should feel welcome.

Through sustainable development, Stockholm's Meatpacking District is to be transformed from an industrial area into a unique destination with a focus on food, culture and experiences. It will be a unique destination and meeting place in Stockholm that will be ready around 2033.

The area is planned for thousands of new homes and workplaces and a large range of trade, services and services. Culturally valuable buildings are restored and opened up with new content.

The transformation is in full swing. Demolition and land preparation work are combined with the move in of new new restaurants and businesses. A pilot project is being carried out in the area with the aim of driving the development of fossil-free contracts and electrified machines and work tools.

The Stockholm's Meatpacking District a is being developed successively in several stages. Each stage contains one or more detailed plans. Preliminary stage division for the Slaughterhouse area with the respective detailed plan (Dp) below, updated in June 2023.

Illustration above shows the five different phases of the development i Slakthusområdet, Stockholm´s Meatpacking District.


Vision picture of development with respect. Illustration: Nyréns Arkitekter
Vision picture of welcoming mixed city. Illustration: Nyréns Arkitekter
Vision picture of street spaces as meeting places. Illustration: Nyréns Arkitekter
Vision picture of flexible and sustainable mobility. Illustration: Nyréns Arkitekter

Overall goals

The target image of the Stockholm's Meatpacking District makes clear the depth and breadth of the area. The rich history is present in the development of the area.

Overall target image 2030

Stockholm's Meatpacking District is developed sustainably with respect for its unique history and functional architecture. Thousands of residents, workers, students and visitors contribute to a lively public life day and night.

The area offers a wide range of food, culture and experiences, where everyone feels welcome. Streets, parks and squares are inviting and permissive towards pedestrians and cyclists. The diversity of activities and events contributes to the area's identity and dynamic change. Public transport is developed and the Stockholm's Meatpacking District is clearly connected to surrounding areas.

Preliminary timetable

  • Program consultation 8 December 2015–1 February 2016
  • Approval of program and orientation decision February 2, 2017
  • Demolition of the first building will begin in December 2018
  • Most buildings not to be preserved will be demolished and ground preparation work will be carried out in 2020–2023
  • The first tenants in restored older buildings will move in in 2023
  • First construction start of housing in 2024
  • First move into new homes in 2026
  • Traffic start of new subway in the area in 2030
  • The entire Slaughterhouse area is estimated to be ready around 2035

Film in English

The City of Stockholm has developed a film about the Stockholm's Meatpacking District, which presents the history behind and the further development. Söderstaden now only includes the Stockholms Meatpacking District, the Gullmarsplan-Nynäsvägen and the Globenområdet.

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The City of Stockholm offers study visits to several different projects within urban development. We hope to offer inspiration and knowledge for groups with different prior knowledge and interests. Read more about these projects and book a visit.

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Questions about queuing, prices and moving in

Contact the property owner or the condominium association if you have questions about renting or buying premises and condominiums, how to get in line, price information, time for moving in and the like. If the building is not built, it is the builder.
